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The Players
Amérique du Nord / North America Falaise / Sportclimbing Performances Video

Films : The Players & Spray

  • 05/11/2023

Sorti en 2009, « The Players » est un film de Brian Solano présentant les meilleurs grimpeurs US des années 2000. Que ce soit en couennes ou en bloc, la ribambelle de grimpeurs repousse à sa manière les limites de l’activité. Avec Dave Graham, Chris Sharma, Emily Harrington, Daniel Woods, Lisa Rands, Joe Kinder, Alex Puccio, Chris Lindner, and Ethan Pringle… 70 minutes d’action pour un beau documentaire d’archive ! Quant à « Spray » (2008, 68 min), toujours du même réalisateur, partez à la découverte des joyaux de la côte californieenne en compagnie de Joe Kinder, Chris Lindner et consorts A visionner ci-dessous !

« The Players » are the best American climbers of the early 2000’s. Dave Graham, Chris Sharma, Emily Harrington, Daniel Woods, Lisa Rands, Joe Kinder, Alex Puccio, Chris Lindner, and Ethan Pringle each embody the progression of their sport. This rock climbing video showcase of action-packed HD footage reveals each player’s ability to make climbing at the pinnacle of their sport a daily routine. Featuring all disciplines of climbing, this is your chance to witness the swagger behind each players’ style and explore the lifestyles they are pioneering all across the globe.
« Spray (2008, 68 min) : Chris Lindner has spent most of his life in the fast-paced world of professional climbing, yet has managed to maintain a grounded approach to the sport. Join him on his journey along California’s northern coastline as he sets out to explore its treasures and searches for the United States’ next great rock climb!

Directed by Brian Solano – Produced by BS Productions

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