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Jonathan Siegrist - crux of Full Metal Brisket 9a+
Amérique du Nord / North America Falaise / Sportclimbing Performances Video

Jonathan Siegrist libère Full Metal Brisket 9a+ – Jonathan Siegrist frees Full Metal Brisket 9a+ (+ video)

  • 01/12/2020

Jonathan Siegrist est un des falaisistes américains les plus actifs en matière de développement de nouvelles lignes et premières ascensions. On l’avait laissé il y a un mois à God’s Crag dans le Colorado, voici que Jonathan vient de réaliser la voie la plus dure de Virginie Occidentale dans la région de New River Gorge. Il vient en effet de faire la première ascension de « Full Metal Brisket » 9a+ au Coliseum (Summersville lake). Après une approche en 8c, la voie propose une furieuse section bloc sous le relais que vous pouvez apprécier dans la vidéo ci-dessous montrant le run victorieux. Talons et serrage d’arquées au programme ! La voie aura pris quelques séances de travail à Jonathan qui avait ce projet en tête depuis sa première visite dans les lieux il y a 7 ans.

Jonathan Siegrist is one of the most active rockclimbers in the US, he is always on the road, making numerous first ascents and opening new lines every year. Jonathan just did the first ascent of New River Gorge’s old project « Full Metal Brisket » 9a+. After an 8c intro, the end of the route shares a powerful crux that you can whitness in the video above with the victorious go. Enjoy his heelhook science and his mastering on crimping! The route took to Janathan few sessions of work.
He comments on his Instagram account:
« I heard about this wild project in the Coliseum on my first trip to West Virginia seven years ago. The rumor was that the moves had maybe all been done but linking them would be crazy. I wandered up the thing early in our trip here to find a route that, uniquely, seemed characterized by how bad the holds were and not so much by how far apart they were. A rarity in the New. It took a number of sessions and nearly exploding my knee to sort out the hyper cryptic crux. Then it took me a handful of days of incremental progress to start having promising tries, and lastly it took me several days after that of falling on the last move (hardest move) to finally send the bastard yesterday. What an absolute gift it is to find projects like this one, barely nail it with conditions, and have a super supportive group around you the whole time. I feel incredibly grateful!« 

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