Adam Ondra revient dans une superbe video sur quelques premières ascensions établies en février dernier à Hotel Olivo, Bus de La Stria, Arco (Italie). Retrouvez le prodige tchèque dans « Bombardino » 9a+/b (équipé par Alfredo Weber) qui propose une intensité inouïe et « La Bomba » 9b un extension de cette première qu’il avait équipé il y a 10 ans sur un superbe calcaire bleu et gris. Deux King lines majeures à découvrir en images !
Adam Ondra bout this lastest video:
A perfectly cut, steep and exposed line in the vicinity of Arco (Italy) with perfect blue and grey limestone and impeccable tufas, has attracted me since I first noticed it. In 2012, I could bolt the last great line to the right of the wall. « A series of 3 beautiful tufa features, with just enough holds in between them. But once the last tufa finishes, it remained a mystery. I bolted it, but I could not really think of any sequence to make that section climbable. I abandoned the project, and 10 years later, I was back to see if something had changed. With a new perspective and experience, I could finally see a way how to pass through this section while I got also distracted by a bit easier variation, which turned out to be not easy at all. Watch the story of « Bomba » 9b, and it’s a slightly easier variation of « Bombardino » 9a+/ 9b in the new video! Featuring also Jakob Schubert, Pietro del Pra and Alfredo Webber. It was a great process of spending there great days with my friends, bolting together, being motivated to deal with often freezing conditions, and sharing the beta. Big thanks go to everybody who was part of the process! »