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Video : Muriel Sarkany, Era Vella, 9a

  • 28/11/2018

En septembre 2017, la légende belge Muriel Sarkany s’envoyait à 43 ans son second 9a à Margalef avec la King Line de 50 mètres du secteur Cathedral, « Era Vella ». Un projet qui lui a demandé 4 semaines de travail acharné réparties sur plusieurs années. Retour sur cette belle croix en images.

In September last year, Belgian legend Muriel Sarkany did at 43 her second 9a with « Era Vella », the King Line of 50 meters located in Cathedral sector, Margalef. A long time project which took her 4 weeks of effort. Come back on this nice send. 

Era Vella

I'm happy to share with you my realization of this fabulous King line, Era Vella. It's a 50 m route in Margalef, sector Cathedral, bolted by Chris Sharma. It really was a pleasure to discover this route, work it, find solutions for the crux and do runs. I tried it for the first time in 2015 at the end of a trip in Margalef and I loved it. In 2016, I didn't go back in Era Vella because I had other project in Villanueva del Rosario, in Andalousia, La Rubia 8C+.2 years later, Era Vella was always in my head and I decided to go back to Margalef in spring. I stayed there for one month and I made big progress but I had to find another solution to pass the crux because the normal way was not possible for me. At the end this trip, my best run was falling at the last move of the crux. I was really happy but the conditions became too warm and I decided to go back home. I planned to come back in September and during the summer, I trained my power endurance in Gorges du loup and in my training wall at home. In Autumn, I came back and after 10 days I clipped the chain of my second 9a. Enjoy this videoE9, La Sportiva, Sterling Rope Company, Inc., Metolius Climbing,

Publiée par Muriel Sarkany sur Mardi 27 novembre 2018

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