« Bergtagen » signifie pris par la montagne en suédois. Ce film présente le paradis de la grimpe de la côte Ouest suédoise, Bohuslän, connu pour être une destination de premier choix en trad et en bloc. Mais depuis quelques années, l’escalade sportive a aussi été développée dans la contrée. Partez pour un tour des lieux en compagnie de Saïd Belhaj qui a œuvré au développements récents de la zone et de Hannes Puman. A découvrir dans la video ci-dessous !
« Bergtagen » – A film about rock climbing paradise Bohuslän on the Swedish west coast with Said Belhaj. Bohuslän has long been famous for its first-class traditional climbing and bouldering, but the last few years world class sport climbing has also been developed in the area. Climber Said Belhaj has led a nomadic lifestyle for over 20 years. He has travelled the world, chasing new climbing adventures. When the pandemic stopped him from travelling, he put all his energy into developing climbing in Bohuslän, where his life as a climber once started. It resulted in five newly developed crags with over 50 bolted routes of varying styles and difficulties. We accompany him when he gathers some of the most passionate climbers in Sweden and ventures Bohuslän’s cliff faces to enjoy climbing and learn from each other.